To sign into chat
•Open, or, or
•Click DEWDADS CHAT for to open a full sized chat window
•Click DEWDADS POPUP for a resizeable small window
    (same DEWDADS chatroom, but different sized windows)
•Click SUNROOM CHAT for to open a full sized chat window
•Click SUNROOM POPUP for a resizeable small window
    (same SUNROOM chatroom, but different sized windows)
•Next, choose a button to login;
   -Guest with no password
   -Username using your password
   -Registration to create a free account

•For Guest:
   -Type in your username
   -Upload an Avatar, if desired
   -Click the LOG IN button
•For User:
   -Type in your username and password
   -Click the LOG IN button
Free user account
•You can quickly register your name for free
•Click Registration
•Review the Terms Of Service (rules)
•Fill out the short form
•Upload your choice of avatar

Chat room
•On the right is a list of room users
•At the bottom is the text input field
   -Type your message and press ENTER
•On the left is the main chat window
•Avatars are shown beside each user's name
•Click a person's avatar to private message
•Click the smiley face to choose an emoticon
•Click the dollar sign to donate for chat
•Click the paper clip to upload a sound/pic
•Click the options button for various options
•Click the Logout button to logout
See diagram at the bottom of this page
Private messages
•Click on user's name:
   in either the userlist or chatroom
•A private chat window opens
•Talk privately to this user
•Click the top (header) to move PM window
•Click the arrow to maximize the PM window
•Click the settings gear icon for more options
   Ignore button is on this options page
   Download a copy of your PM chat here
•Click the movie icon to video chat with this person
•Click the phone icon to voice chat with this person
•To see a larger version of their avatar:
   Click on the image in the private window
See diagram at the bottom of this page
•Click the Options button
•The options window opens
•Here you can choose:
   Set your status to Away, Busy or back to Online
   Do you want to turn of sounds?
   Do you want incoming PMs to open automatically?
   Do you want to enlarge or decrease the font size?
•Click the "X" in the corner to close Options
Status (Away/Busy) feature
•Click the Options button
•The options window opens
   An Away icon will appear beside your Userlist name
   Choose this when you are away from your computer
   Users will be unable to PM you while Away
   A Busy icon will appear beside your Userlist name
   Choose this when you are in PM with someone
      or perhaps looking at another website
   Other users will be able to PM you while you are busy
   Choose Online when you return from Away or Busy
   This will remove the Away/Busy icon by your name
Text formatting
Text options:
   ~strick thru text~    =    strike thru text
   *bold text*        =    bold text
   _italic text_        =    italic text
   `red text`        =    red text
Line break:
   Press SHIFT and ENTER together
   to start a new line in any post
   For example, type:
         "This is line one"
   Press SHIFT + ENTER
         "This is line two"

   The result will be:
         This is line one
         This is line two
(Often called Emoticons, Emoji, Emotes and Smilies...)
•There are now 6 tabs of built in emoticons in chat
•Click the smiley symbol on the input field
•A pop-up window will open with 6 tabs to choose from
•Click the emoticon you want to use
•The code for each emoticon will appear in the text input field
•The emoticon image will appear when you post your message

•Also, you can click the buttons at the top of chat:
    for alternate emoticons
    for the most common emoticons
    for a list of all emoticons by category
•Instructions are on those pages to copy and paste the emoticon codes.

•To manually use other emoticons:
   Copy the link at top of room by clicking button
   Paste the link in the input field (CTRL and V)
   Add the name of the emoticon at the end:
      For example, "coffee"
      add the extension ".gif"
   You should now have:
   Press Enter and the coffee emoticon will appear
   Replace the word "coffee" to make other emotes
   Note: make sure there are no spaces in the link

•You can post an image from another website
   Paste the address into chat (ending with .jpg, .gif or .png)
   The image will post in your message
•Sounds are not normally part of this chatroom
•You can, however, add sounds manually as follows:
   Copy the link at top of room by clicking button
   Paste the link in the input field (CTRL and V)
   Add the name of the sound at the end
      For example, "wawa"
      add the extension ".mp3"
   You should now have a sound player visible
      Click the play button
•Also, you can click the button at the top of chat:
   You can preview all available sounds.
   Instructions are on this page to copy sound codes.
Avatar Change
•E-mail your avatar to the Administrator
•Or open your private window (click your avatar in chat)
•Click the gear icon, click the profile button
•Follow the instructions to access your profile
Using other devices
•There is a mobile version of chat
•The mobile version auto-loads on mobile devices
•Use the Pop-up version of chat from the homepage
•Tap the Menu icon for settings
•Tap the User icon to see the user list
Leaving chat
•Please do not just close the window
•Click the Logout button to logout
•The Reconnect button will show
•You can now close the window
•Not doing these steps leaves your name logged in